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Meet Ramesh Khandelwal, 60 years, Surat. From last 20+ years, he was struggling with Asthma Despite various treatments, relief seemed elusive.
Initial FeV1/FVe: 62%
Current FeV1/FVe: 87%
Initial Pumps taken/day: 5+
Current Pumps taken/day: Completely off pumps.
Initial Functional Improvement: 40% with medications & pumps.
Current Functional Improvement: 90%+ without medications & pumps.

Meet Payal Nagpal, 37 years, Surat. From last 4+ years, she was struggling with Migraine Despite various treatments, relief seemed elusive.
Initial MIDAS: 11
Current MIDAS: 5
Initial Medications: 2 Painkiller Tabs/Day.
Current Medications: Completely off medications.
Initial Functional Improvement: 40% with medications.
Current Functional Improvement: 90%+ without medications.
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